Population | 408,376 persons / 170,681 households |
Area | 47.00㎢ (7.8% of the 605.18㎢ city area) |
Housing | 135,952 units |
Village (tong) / Hamlet (ban) Status | 18 neighborhoods (dong), 562 villages (tong), 3,826 hamlets (ban) |
Administrative Organization | 2 Directors, 7 Bureaus 35 Divisions, 1 Public Health Center 4 Divisions 2 Branch Offices, 18 dongs, 1 Parliament |
Personnel (Regular) | 1,633 persons (gu 1,058, dong 391, Public Health Center 148, Parliament 36) |
District (gu) Council | 16 congressmen (3 standing committees) |
Roads | 471.78Km |
Waterworks | 606.2km |
City Gas | 160,134 households |
Sewers | 597.7㎞ |